- Ponds towelettes or face wash creams, I obviously opted for the towelettes, they're great to just have in your bag for those times when you just want to wash your face, but would have otherwise had to wait. The towelettes were > On sale from $7.29 to $3.99 each. When you buy $10 worth of Ponds products, you get $5 Extra Bucks. I had two manufacturer coupons, one for $1.25 off and one for $1 off. So I really paid about $1.53 for each package of 30 wipes!
- Clear Eyes, which are needed for contact users. CVS is having a buy one get one free, no coupon necessary, just ExtraCare card!
- Galde motion sensor air fresheners were on sale at CVS for $5.99, there was a $4 coupon in the paper, and CVS will give you $1 Extra Buck. So you get it for $0.99!
- Scrubbing Bubbles & Fantastik are on sale at CVS for 2/$5. I had $1 off coupon for Scrubbing Bubbles and a $0.75 coupon for Fantastik. Then CVS will give you $1 Extra Buck. So each was about $1.12!
- Kotex gave me $2 Extra Bucks.
- Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi wasn't on sale, but I really wanted it, so went for it.
- I also bought a card for Mary B. who had her last day at J. Crew today (assuming they won't use her on-call tomorrow).
- I used a $4 off $20 or more CVS coupon, and $12 in Extra Bucks I had > $16 Extra Bucks!