Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Guest Post by Sophie : a$paragu$

In a town where asparagus seems to pop up on every menu and its many virtues -- low in calories, no fat or cholesterol, very low in sodium -- are touted with frequency, an asparagus sale is like manna from the "Gods." This past week, not one, but two major New York grocery stores had it marked down.

At Whole Foods, it was $1.49/lb. A produce section employee I chatted up suggested I'd better get some, as the discounted veg was going like hotcakes. I did so, gathering two bundles (each a bit more than 3/4 of a lb) and hightailing it home. A drizzle of olive oil, a little salt and pepper and those bad boys were laid out on a baking sheet, ready to hit the oven.

Across town at Gourmet Garage, asparagus was going for $1.99/lb. Now, let me make it clear: I would never willingly pay 51 cents more for something unless I was absolutely in a pinch. But, this particular GG is located a mere two blocks from my apartment, as opposed to Whole Foods which is just under a 10-minute walk. Also, the lines are usually nonexistent and I was in a hurry.

This was last week. On Saturday I went to Whole Foods to get a Strawberry C Monster Odwalla Juice (2/$5, and you are high on drugs if you think I didn't take advantage of that). The asparagus sale was already over. But back at lil' old Gourmet Garage, I made the exciting discovery that $1.99/lb was the set price for the ENTIRE MONTH OF MARCH! A celebration of St. Patrick's day? Eying the coming of spring? A little nod to the color of money? We'll never know (until I ask the manager).

P.S. Some people claim asparagus makes their pee smell. I have never noticed this with my own.
P.P.S. Asparagus is an excellent source of folic acid potassium, dietary fiber and rutin.

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